About Me

I'm a 17-year-old Activate student from Toronto, Ontario. I'm proud to say I'm a person with a passion - and perhaps I'm too young to realize it, but my passion is technology. So I've decided to stay within the confines of the tech industry! I've spent the last few years working in neurotech, AI, NLP, and education technology. The majority of my work stems from my interest in NLP and how we can use this tool to solve problems in a variety of fields.


Personal Projects

Here is a collection of some of my most recent projects.


Pitched a moonshot idea that involves helping aiding energy poverty in developing countries. Using neutrino panels that will convert neutrino kinetic energy into electricity we would be able to harness electricity from the sun's invisible spectrum. Our vision is to create change using what is often left unseen for the people left unnoticed.

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Consulting for IKEA

The truth is, IKEA's self-assembly technique is a little inefficient, and with programmable materials, they can improve or revolutionize it. These smart materials are used in programmable materials to allow furniture to self-assemble when prompted by certain stimuli.

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Personality Analysis

I made a project which involves users describing their interpretation of an abstract image in 50–60 words. This idea is based on the idea that everyone thinks and expresses themselves in their own unique way. A full analysis, as well as the proportion of each trait, is supplied at the end of the exam. The premise behind the project is that different personality types use different vocabulary to identify a person's personality trait.

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Fake News Detector

By constructing a machine learning model using Python and NLP, I was able to create a project that gives a viable solution for recognizing and filtering out articles containing incorrect information.

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To find out more checkout my portfolio!

MY Values

This is some text inside of a div block.

Passion and integrity go hand in hand

Finding something you're passionate and being honest and true to both yourself and those around you are the key to success

Seek Discomfort

I want to grow and improve as a person; I want to attain greater goals, realise greater aspirations, and enjoy life to the fullest while not settling for less.

"Change is a welcome phenomenon when it is inclusive"

I like to shift away from an inward focus that only allows me to see how I can help myself and instead refocus my efforts on the more existential threats to humanity

Efficiency is essential

I'm always seeking for the quickest and most efficient way to complete tasks.


I'm restless with the knowledge that no matter how much I do, there is more to be done. There are no simple answers because there are no simple questions.

Live and let live

It's important to live a life free of judgement and allow others to do the same.

Past Work


Co-founder and Community Lead


Associate Developer








Strategic Growth Intern

To find out more checkout my resume